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Support Somatic Practitioners to Transform Trauma, Using Movement and Touch

A Regulation & Resource Based Approach for Working with the Somatic Symptoms of Developmental Trauma.

Individual Consults and Personal Sessions

Group Consults for SEPs and SE Students

Workshops for Somatic Practitioners


Kia ora!!

Congratulations for finding your way to an embodied approach to learning the modality of Somatic Experiencing (SE).

I want to support you as you learn the language of your body, develop more regulation and resilience, and build your somatic skills for working with trauma.

I provide on-line individual and group consultations for Somatic Practitioners, specifically Somatic Experiencing students and Somatic Experiencing Practitioners (SEPs). I also offer in-person workshops for Somatic Practitioners.

I have a small private practice where I work with individuals with developmental trauma, using touch and movement.

When I first started out as a student of Somatics, I remember experiencing a huge sense of relief when my teacher was curious about ALL the different experiences that students were having in the room.

As a somatic educator, my goal is to help students cultivate the skills to listen, respect and support the intelligence of lived experience, across the dimensions of the body, psyche and spirit.

Look forward to connecting with you.

Ngā mihi, Julie

I'm Julie and I'm a Somatic Practitioner

Kia ora!!

Congratulations for finding your way to an embodied approach to working with trauma.

Thank you for your interest in my work and here is important information about my Scope of Practice:

As a Somatic Practitioner and Educator, my scope of practice is to support people to build their skills around body awareness and regulation. We also create opportunities to repair attachment ruptures and complete incomplete survival responses.

We may use your cognitive narrative, not for the purpose of psychotherapy or counselling, but as a means to support you to deepen your relationship with your body and your somatic narrative. We work with developing co-regulation and self-regulation and building a felt sense of safety and comfort as well as building your capacity to feel uncomfortable sensations.

We work with uncoupling traumatic memories and recouping healthy associations, by working with touch and movement. I am not certified as a mental health practitioner, and I reserve the right to refer out, should we not be a good fit or if the work is outside of my scope of practice. I am passionate about creating a transparent and consensual relationship where I can fully disclose and share with clients the methodology and somatic approaches that we can use to support the body to heal from trauma.

Please download my intake form & agreements for working together here.

Look forward to connecting with you.

Warmly, Julie

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I'm Julie
and I'm a Somatic Practitioner

Kia ora!!

Congratulations for finding your way to an embodied approach to working with trauma.

Thank you for your interest in my work and here is important information about my Scope of Practice:

As a Somatic Practitioner and Educator, my scope of practice is to support people to build their skills around body awareness and regulation. We also create opportunities to repair attachment ruptures and complete incomplete survival responses.

We may use your cognitive narrative, not for the purpose of psychotherapy or counselling, but as a means to support you to deepen your relationship with your body and your somatic narrative. We work with developing co-regulation and self-regulation and building a felt sense of safety and comfort as well as building your capacity to feel uncomfortable sensations.

We work with uncoupling traumatic memories and recouping healthy associations, by working with touch and movement. I am not certified as a mental health practitioner, and I reserve the right to refer out, should we not be a good fit or if the work is outside of my scope of practice. I am passionate about creating a transparent and consensual relationship where I can fully disclose and share with clients the methodology and somatic approaches that we can use to support the body to heal from trauma.

Please download my intake form & agreements for working together here.

Look forward to connecting with you.

Warmly, Julie

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Who do I work with?

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Work With Julie

Individual Sessions

Alaska & Indian Students TRANSFORMING TRAUMA


Workshops for Practitioners

Transform Trauma by Transforming Your Relationship with Your Body!!

Learn new ways to help build your client's somatic skills and their capacity for working with the body. Learn how to work with traumatic coupling dynamics using movement & touch.

Repattern attachment ruptures within the story of embryology, reflexes and developmental movement patterns.

Build your felt sense of safety, comfort, well-being and coherence in the body.

Case Consults & Practitioner Workshops

I help therapists & practitioners be more effective working with trauma in the body.

Case Consults

I offer individual and small group case consultations to SEPs and SE students. We learn together, either as a dyad or a small group. Practitioners can bring specific cases or general questions. We explore what somatic experiencing approaches are working with your clients and which of the many SE tools and approaches can be used to support you and your client.


I give practitioners a supportive space to build their somatic skillset and resources for working with trauma in the body. Workshops are educational and provide an experiential window into the anatomy of our health and wellbeing.

Click here to email Julie for more information.

Come into Relationship with Your Body

Using Movement And Touch


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What My Students Are Saying...

"I loved our experiential learning together as a small group and found the integration of theory and practice so helpful in deepening my understanding of SE approaches. Julie your presence and creative flexibility provided a solid springboard for our emerging insights and awareness."

“Julie has a lovely facilitation style that encourages participation and curiosity. She brings a wealth of experience to the topic and has a great way of helping to integrate the information into a form of embodiment."

“I felt that I came away with a deeper understanding of the topics that we had been discussing. Overall the weekend was stimulating and supportive, and I would love to participate again.”

“ A wonderful enriching experience, which fulfilled my objective, that of bringing a deeper understanding of the physiological component in EMDR therapy -a modality I use extensively. I highly recommend Julie's workshops to all professionals working with clients in recovery from chronic developmental, and / or acute, post traumatic dysregulation.”


Counsellor and Psychological Tester – Auckland

"Julie has a wealth of knowledge about the human body and somatic approaches to trauma. She supports a learning environment which is relaxed, respectful and relational. Her workshops have helped and inspired my work with clients who are seeking to address the effects of trauma."

“Julie is an open, warm, and receptive facilitator who naturally weaves her expert knowledge and craft into the teaching and questions of the day. Learning about the physiology and then getting to embed those insights through right brain somatic practices and exercises deepened the work and felt really supportive. Julie provides lots of choice and spaciousness to explore the content.”

“Julie’s body of knowledge, fusion of concepts, methodologies and practices is incredible. The teaching is facilitated in such a way it is translatable to any modality already in use by a practitioner. Having the tools and confidence to support clients increase somatic awareness and capacity is a valuable and necessary expansion to my coaching practice. We are incredibly fortunate to have teacher of this experience and commitment in New Zealand.”


Transformation Coach – Auckland

“ A wonderful enriching experience, which fulfilled my objective, that of bringing a deeper understanding of the physiological component in EMDR therapy -a modality I use extensively. I highly recommend Julie's workshops to all professionals working with clients in recovery from chronic developmental, and / or acute, post traumatic dysregulation.”


Counsellor and Psychological Tester – Auckland

['Compelling quote that really rings true about your values & beliefs that speaks to your ideal client']

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Nunc quis fermentum ligula, in sodales massa. Fusce tempus, quam eu placerat semper, lacus sem commodo nibh, sed tincidunt lectus lacus eget diam. Ut mattis ligula eu consectetur rutrum. Sed eu viverra nulla. Curabitur porttitor eros in nisi eleifend mollis.

Nunc quis

New Zealand

Maecenas nec elit tempor, malesuada felis in, bibendum libero. Nullam pellentesque vulputate felis at rutrum. Aenean placerat congue turpis, ac lacinia elit tristique quis.

Nunc quis fermentum ligula, in sodales massa. Fusce tempus, quam eu placerat semper, lacus sem commodo nibh, sed tincidunt lectus lacus eget diam. Ut mattis ligula eu consectetur rutrum. Sed eu viverra nulla. Curabitur porttitor eros in nisi eleifend mollis.

Nunc quis

New Zealand

Maecenas nec elit tempor, malesuada felis in, bibendum libero. Nullam pellentesque vulputate felis at rutrum. Aenean placerat congue turpis, ac lacinia elit tristique quis.

Nunc quis fermentum ligula, in sodales massa. Fusce tempus, quam eu placerat semper, lacus sem commodo nibh, sed tincidunt lectus lacus eget diam. Ut mattis ligula eu consectetur rutrum. Sed eu viverra nulla. Curabitur porttitor eros in nisi eleifend mollis.

Nunc quis

New Zealand

Ready for a chat? Maybe you have a quick question?

We're here to help when you need us.

It Starts With A Powerful

15-Minute Conversation

(This is at no charge)

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What is Julies scope of practice?

As a Somatic Practitioner, my scope of practice is to support people to build their skills around body awareness and regulation. We also create opportunities to repair attachment ruptures and complete incomplete survival responses. We may use your cognitive narrative, not for the purpose of psychotherapy or counselling, but as a means to support you to deepen your relationship with your body and your somatic narrative. We work with developing co-regulation and self-regulation and building a felt sense of safety and comfort as well as building your capacity to feel uncomfortable sensations. We work with uncoupling traumatic memories and recouping healthy associations, by working with touch and movement. I am not certified as a mental health practitioner, and I reserve the right to refer out, should we not be a good fit or if the work is outside of my scope of practice. I am passionate about creating a transparent and consensual relationship where I can fully disclose and share with clients the methodology and somatic approaches that we can use to support the body to heal from trauma.

Are you taking on new clients?

My clinical practice is full for 2024. Please join my newsletter to find out when I will be taking new clients.

Why are you only working with Somatic Experiencing Practitioners?

I am mentoring to become faculty with Somatic Experiencing International which requires that I travel internationally to mentor with senior faculty in 2024 and 2025. As part of my mentoring process, I offer individual and small group case consultations for Somatic Experiencing Practitioners and Somatic Experiencing Students, both in person and via ZOOM.

Do you offer any online workshops?

My workshops are currently only in person, but I will be offering on-line versions of these same workshops in 2025.

Do you offer “Introduction to Somatic Experiencing” Workshops for practitioners interested in training in this modality?

I am available to offer 1-2 day “Introduction to Somatic Experiencing” Workshops for either the general public or for practitioners who want to learn more about the Somatic Experiencing modality and how they can apply some of the SE principles into their daily work. Introduction to SE Workshops are also a great way to learn more about what is offered in the 3-year training before committing to this professional training program.

Can I meet with you individually to learn more about Somatic Experiencing?

If you are interested in enrolling in the Somatic Experiencing 3-year professional training, or if you have attended one of my “Introduction to SE” presentations and would like more information about how you can integrate SE into your scope of practice, please feel free to schedule an individual consultation with me.

How can I learn more about your future workshops?

Sign up for my bi-annual newsletter where I send updates on future workshops as well as share tips and lessons for transforming trauma through the use of touch and movement.


It all starts with a quick chat.

© 2022 Julie Teetsov. All rights reserved. Auckland, New Zealand | Website by Virtual Innovation